Returning to work
I am very grateful for my workplace. I hadn't even been working there for a year so I didn't qualify for maternity leave or FMLA but they...
Prepare for the Questions
I want to share with you the tough questions that parents have to answer if their baby is lost in the womb. As I've mentioned we were...
Behind My Smile
Hi, It's been a while since I've written. SEPTEMBER is here. My due date was set for September 6th. My mood right now is calm but I...
Missed Firsts
Today was a hard day for me. On the drive into work today tears and sadness filled me. It's the first day of school and families are...
Tips for Friends & Family of Bereaved Parents
Being a friend of a bereaved parent is a tough job. I know there are times in which you can't find the words to say or think of the...
Dealing with QUESTIONS and all things BABY related after loss
After we were given bad news about Noel I disappeared from social media. Instead I prepared myself by reading other women's blogs. Only...
Constant Grieving
From the moment we were given the news that Noel wouldn't survive past birth I began to grieve. While my in-laws, husband, family and...
Dr. Blunt
As I was sharing my story I mentioned my run in with a BLUNT doctor. I've come to notice that insanely smart people don't always have a...
Coming Home Empty Handed
As some of you may or may not know I was told the fate my child may have while 23 weeks pregnant. My baby had an enlarged heart and...