Returning to work
I am very grateful for my workplace. I hadn't even been working there for a year so I didn't qualify for maternity leave or FMLA but they...

Dealing with QUESTIONS and all things BABY related after loss
After we were given bad news about Noel I disappeared from social media. Instead I prepared myself by reading other women's blogs. Only...

Constant Grieving
From the moment we were given the news that Noel wouldn't survive past birth I began to grieve. While my in-laws, husband, family and...

Dr. Blunt
As I was sharing my story I mentioned my run in with a BLUNT doctor. I've come to notice that insanely smart people don't always have a...

Coming Home Empty Handed
As some of you may or may not know I was told the fate my child may have while 23 weeks pregnant. My baby had an enlarged heart and...