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Behind My Smile


It's been a while since I've written. SEPTEMBER is here. My due date was set for September 6th. My mood right now is calm but I expect the 6th to be a hard day. Which is fine, those happen sometimes.

As I look back at my time spent in the hospital I realized that I kept a smile on my face through the ordeal. I tried really hard to stay strong and not let anyone besides my husband see me cry or sad. (CLEARLY the people who know me knew I was hurting inside) Do not let this smile fool you, even now as I hang out with my friends and family this smile is hiding lots of pain. I still hurt daily but I try my best to break through it.

The way I look at it I have to live life to the fullest, not only for myself but for my son. It's as if this is all for him. I continue forward and try my best to be a good person for him.

On the 9th My husband and I will be getting our tattoos in honor of our NOEL. Wish us luck and send us all the good vibes I'm sure our hearts need it.


All the love <3

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